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アルゼンチンが世界に誇るギタリスト。 国立ロサリオ大学芸術学部音楽学科修了。ギタリスト、作曲家として数々の賞を受賞。演奏家としてアルゼンチンを始め南米、北米、ヨーロッパでコンサートを行う。03年来日、04年に日本デビューリサイタル、翌05年ギターソロのコンサートツアーを行い高評を博する。国内でギターソロ、デュオやアンサンブルで演奏を行う他、アジアを中心に北米、南米の国々で活動を展開する。2009年、米国マーシャル大学よりジョン・エドワード特別芸術賞を受賞。2010年、レオナルド・ブラーボタンゴ楽団を結成。2011年よりタンゴの歌詞についての講座を開始する。これまでに独奏、二重奏のCDをリリースする他、指揮者、ディレクター、共演者として多くのCD制作に携わる。中でもCD “El entrevero” “El alma en la raiz” はイギリスとフランスのギター誌で高く評価されている。2008年、ギターを学ぶ人のための作品集“五つの小品”をフォレストヒルエディションより、2013年タンゴ名曲編曲集を現代ギター社より出版。レパートリーはクラシック、アルゼンチンタンゴおよびフォルクローレ。とりわけ祖国の音楽であるタンゴ、フォルクローレに造詣が深い。

Leonardo Bravo is a Graduate in Music and Guitar from the Music department of the National University in Rosario, Argentina. He has developed an extensive career as a soloist, giving concerts and classes in the Americas, Europe and Asia. His repertoire extends from classical music to Tango and Argentine folkloric music. Leonardo Bravo received his degree from the School of Music of Rosario National University where he studied with Professor Ines P. de Zemp. He also attended several international courses as “Santiago de Compostela” or “Porto Alegre” Brazil, studying with many maestros including Marlos Nobre, Paulo Bellinatti (Brazil), Victor Villadangos, Eduardo Isaac (Argentina), Jose Luis Rodrigo (Spain), Abel Carlevaro (Uruguay), etc. He won first prizes in many prestigious classical guitar competitions.

Leonardo has being involved in many different chamber music ensembles, including Classical, contemporary, ancient music. He also plays with groups specialized in traditional argentine music Folklore and Tango.

Leonardo's concerts always include music from his homeland, and this repertoire is becoming increasingly important to him. He is continually searching for new Argentine music and working in his own compositions and arrangements.

In 1991 to 2003 he was appointed Professor of Guitar at Rosario National University, Where he is acknowledged for the quality of his teaching, being many of his students are well known in the national and international scene.

In 2003 he moved to Japan, continuing his work and as a teacher and as a performer sharing activities with many well-known Japanese musicians as Shin Ichi Fukuda, Komatsu Ryota, Ohagi Yasuji, etc and also the prestigious National Philharmonic Orchestra of Japan. He also perform concerts in japan with Berta Rojas and William Kanengiser,etc In 2006 made different recitals in South Korea, which were broadcasted throughout the country.
He attend as a professor and performer to Internationals guitar festivals as “Guitarras del Mundo” Argentina, “International Guitar Festilval of Taiwan” Taiwan, “International Guitar Festilval” Corea, “International Asian Guitar Festilval” japan, “Iternational East end guitar festival” Japan, “International Jazz festival of Nanjing” China,etc with Maestros liker Eduardo fernandez, Shin Ichi Fukuda, Judicael Pierrof, Quique Sinesi, Juan Falu, etc

In February of 2008 “Forest Hill Edition” published his composition “5 Little pieces” (Trees, Men and the river) This piece was chosen as a mandatory piece in the “International Kyushu Guitar Contest” Japan. Also was chosen as part of the mandatory repertoire of the Marshal University USA, and in 2015 was chosen by Trinity College of London to be part of their mandatory Exam books.

Also this year after a concerts and Masterclass series in U.S.A he was awarded with the  “Joan C. Edward's Distinguished Professor of Fine Arts” by the Marshall University College of Fine Arts. EEUU.

From 2009 works for “Gendai Guitar” as a Professor of its “Gendai Guitar. Music Academy”,Tokyo. 

Also in 2013 he was comitionated by a Corean Publisher company to composed 8 pieces to be part of the Project “Sound Gym” dedicated to Moms and baby, which contains a Mom `s book and 32 picture book for kids.

In 2013 Gendai Guitar Company edited a new book called “Tangos Materpieces by Leonardo Bravo” and the CD with all the contents of the book. 17 arrangements  for solo guitar and guitar duo. And In 2019 edited a new book “Cielo abierto, 8 pieces for solo guitar”dedicated to the music of the composer Quique Sinesi, published by gendai Guitar.

Nowadays besides teaching and perform he also make recordings and write articles specialized in Classical and Latin American Music for the “Gendai Guitar Magazine”

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